Članom na voljo za izposojo strokovna literatura ITIL4

Datum objave: Jan 12, 2021 8:24:43 PM

Na knjižni polici ITSMF Slovenija je članom na voljo zadnja izdaja šestih knjig o ITIL 4:

Knjige so na voljo za brezplačno izposojo vsem članom, ki imajo za posamezno koledarsko leto plačano članarino.  Pišite na info-itsmf@itsmf.si, če se zanimate za izposojo katere od knjig.

Kratek povzetek o posamezni knjigi:

ITIL 4 Foundation: The first step on the ITIL 4 pathway provides IT professionals with an understanding of the ITIL 4 framework and its practical application to the modern digital world

Create, Deliver and Support: Guidance for professionals who manage the operation of IT-enabled digital products and services or end to end delivery

Drive Stakeholder Value: Guidance for IT professionals who are focussed on the customer journey and experience, or responsible for external relationships

High-velocity IT: Guidance for IT professionals who are working in digital transformation projects and towards high velocity environments

Direct, Plan and Improve: Guidance for IT professionals who are responsible for managing the direction and strategy of their IT team or organisation

Digital and IT Strategy: Offers practical skills for competing with disruption, reshaping strategy, adapting processes, and repurposing entire business models to combat challenges of the digital world